The Hyannis Harbor Hawks are active members of the community year-round. We are always looking for volunteers to help with game day activities, community events and behind the scenes support. Volunteer as little or as much as you like, we'd just be happy to have you join our family.
Please contact President, Dan Johnson at president@harborhawks.org if you are interested in helping in any way.
The Hyannis Harbor Hawks season has 20 home games from mid June to August. There is always a need for help, whether you know anything about baseball or not.
Official Greeters
We have three gates at our field and need a friendly face at each one to make our fans feel welcome. You'd be collecting donations, passing out program books and rosters, along with providing general information to our fans.
Game Activities
At each of our home games we have a fast pitch challenge and a corn hole contest for our fans to participate in. We could use help with setting up, monitoring winners and breaking down and putting away the activities at the end of the game.
Special Events
During the season the Harbor Hawks host a handful of fundraising events on and off the field. These events require a great deal of planning and organization prior to the event, along with helpful hands during the event. We have a wide range of activities that require different levels of service from our volunteers. We particulate in the Father's Day Car show on Hyannis Main Street, selling hotdogs, snacks and drinks while hanging out with our players. We throw a Christmas in July party on the field every year, complete with a Santa Claus appearance. One of our newest events is PIZZA FEST, which local pizza vendors will gather on the Hyannis Town Green in front of the Town Hall to compete to win the best pizza title. Volunteer at one event or all of them!
Provide Housing
All our baseball players need a place to stay and we are always looking for host families to provide a fun place for them to stay. This is large commitment, but one that's well worth the benefits. Please visit our housing page for more information or email housing@harborhawks.org.
The offseason can be even busier for the Hyannis Harbor Hawks with reviewing the past season and prepping for the new season. There may not be games to attend and help out at, but there's still a need for volunteers to help with fundraising and community events.
General Fundraising
Have a new idea to help raise funds for the Harbor Hawks - We'd love to hear about it. Help plan and manage special events during the season and in the offseason.
Field Maintenance
Volunteers of the Hyannis Harbor Hawks carry out all our field maintenance. The Town and local schools also use this field and there's a great deal of importance to maintain it well. McKeon field help can be cleaning, painting, weeding, tree and shrub trimming, and general sprucing up of the entire area. We could use help maintaining our equipment as well as storing it.
Scholarship Committee
The Hyannis Harbor Hawks have a community scholarship that is awarded to five qualified students for college every year. We need help coordinating fundraising events to benefit the scholarships.
Community Events
We try to give back to the community and help support other non-profit organizations whenever possible. In past years, the Hyannis Harbor Hawks have helped at water stops during various road races in town, organize Turkey Dinner Baskets in the Fall, assist in activities at Santa's Boat Parade, pass out candy during Trick or Treat with Ozzie on Main Street and participate at the Barnstable Little League Opening Day or Open Streets in Hyannis.