Support Us

The Brewster Whitecaps runs on volunteers and community donations. Become a part of this championship winning team!

Want to get involved?

You’re invited to join the Brewster Baseball Club, a dedicated group of community volunteers working to achieve two goals:

1. Conduct a highly regarded program of recreational activity for the enjoyment of all ages;

2. Field a competitive entry in the widely known Cape Cod Baseball League.

The Brewster Baseball Club exists because of the continued support of our contributors and advertisers, and the year-round efforts of a small core of committed local volunteers. These individuals invest many hours of their valuable time because they love baseball and believe the Whitecaps make an important contribution to the quality of life in our community.

It’s a labor of love, but we can sure use some more help! If you’re willing to consider volunteering any amount of time and effort on behalf of the Whitecaps, please let us know. Even if it’s only for a few games each season.

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Contact us!

Email Whitecaps President Luke Dillon (, phone 617-699-2244), give us your name at the souvenir stand, or simply come and see what’s going on at one of our meetings, regularly scheduled at 6:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of most months at the meeting room at the Brewster Police Station on Route 124. (We don’t meet during the season, and don’t meet every month in the middle of winter!) Why just root for our team, when you can be part of it!