Saturday, July 27, 2024 | Gates open at 1:30 p.m.
2 p.m. Autographs | 4 p.m. Home Run Derby | 6 p.m. Game starts
Guv Fuller Field (behind Falmouth Recreation Center)
Adults $10 | Kids 12 & under free
Saturday, July 27, 2024 | Gates open at 1:30 p.m.
2 p.m. Autographs | 4 p.m. Home Run Derby | 6 p.m. Game starts
Guv Fuller Field (behind Falmouth Recreation Center)
Adults $10 | Kids 12 & under free
Game will be broadcast live on NESN+ at 6 p.m. (replay on NESN 7/28)
WCAI and the Cape & Islands, NPR stations (90.1, 91.1, 94.3 FM)
Cape League TV:
1:30 p.m. - Gates open to fans
2-2:45 p.m. - East BP & West Autographs
2:50-3:35 p.m. - West BP & East Autographs
3:45-3:55 p.m. - West I/O
3:55-4:05 p.m. - East I/O
4:05-4:20 p.m. - Home Run Contest set up and introductions
4:20-5:20 p.m. - Home Run Contest
5:20-5:40 p.m. - Field Prep
5:40-5:45 p.m. - Pregame Ceremony
5:45-5:52 p.m. - Player Intros
5:52-5:55 p.m. - National Anthem
5:55-5:57 p.m. - Ceremonial First Pitch
5:57-6 p.m. - Umpires Meeting
6:05 p.m. - Play Ball
Parking is available at the following Falmouth parking lots. Please try the lots in the order listed:
Mullen-Hall School (0.7 miles/across from Library downtown)
Lawrence School (1 mile)
Morse Pond School (1.1 miles)
Falmouth High School (opens 4 p.m.)
Falmouth Recreation Center (handicapped parking, coaches, players, pre-designated VIPs only)
Bicycle parking is located in the basketball court behind the Recreation Center.
Bus Information:
Buses will drop off and pick up in front of the Falmouth Recreation Center.
1:30 p.m. - Buses start picking up at the following school parking lots - Morse Pond, Mullen-Hall and Lawrence.
4 p.m. - Buses start picking up at the Falmouth High School parking lot.
Buses will continue to pick up at pick up until all of the designated parking lots are full (once buses are full they will only stop at lots to drop off passengers).
10 p.m. or 1.5 hours post-game - Buses stop running.
Format and Rules
Rules breakdown will begin at approximately 4:05 p.m., while spotters take their positions in the outfield and pitch monitor sets up.
Pitchers will not be able to throw a pitch until the previous ball is caught or lands, which will be signaled by outfield spotters. There will be a designated pitch monitor to signal to the pitcher when they are good to throw the next pitch. Outfield spotters will also help identify HRs vs. non-HRs.
Top 3 From Each Division - 3W v. 1E, 2W v. 2E, 1W v. 3E
Players are seeded according to the number of home runs they have hit during the season on the day of the contest.
3 East vs. 1 West (East hits first, West hits second)
2 East vs. 2 West (East hits first, West hits second)
1 East vs. 3 West (East hits first, West hits second)
Each player gets two minutes of time to hit as many home runs as possible.
If a player hits 10+ HRs, they will receive an extra five swings after their two minutes concludes.
One minute break between hitters.
One-minute break between matchups.
(Order based on home runs in first round, then regular season home-run total if tied, then alphabetical)
Each player gets two minutes of time to hit as many home runs as possible.
Each player receives a 30-second timeout that they can use at any point during their two-minute window.
If a player hits 10+ HRs, they will receive an extra five swings after their two minutes concludes.
Award Ceremony to take place at home plate at the conclusion of the contest.