Our volunteers are Jacks and Jills of all trades and the Firebirds are dedicated to matching our volunteers’ skill sets with the perfect job at Eldredge Park. Our volunteers do everything, from working in our retail shop during home games to helping design our yearly yearbook to cultivating sponsorship relationships.
It takes a village of volunteers to pull off a Firebirds season and this year is no different. We need anyone age 16+ to help us with admissions, retail sales and parking at home games. You can either volunteer for a few games or the entire season!
We are always looking for new volunteers to join our team!
Feed the Birds: (Player After-Game Meals)
Our “Feed the Birds” program provides a meal for our players, coaches and interns after every home game of the season. Local restaurants across Eastham, Orleans and Harwich generously donate whatever they can provide to our team - whether it’s a sandwich or hot meal, our players are always thankful.
To donate, contact Elaine Brickman at (732) 668-5584 or email info@orleansfirebirds.com.
Contact Elaine for general volunteer inquiries, like volunteering at games or events.